Manisha Vashishta Believe In Ability>>Motivation>>Attitude
  Mobile Customer Database

/***********************MOBILINK CUSTOMER DATABASE PROJECT*******************/
/***********************BY Manisha Vashishta******************************/


#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


#define NUM 5
#define PH 12
#define MIN 30
#define MAX 61


void add();  // Ask user for input.
void view();            // Diplay all the record.
void search();          // Search for a record.
void c_name();          // Changes the name in a record.
void c_add();           // Changes the address in a record.
void c_ct();            // Changes the connection type in a record.
void c_ph();            // Changes the phone in a record.
void del();             // Deletes a record.
int date(void);         // This fucntion is for displaying System Date.


void check_id(char *,int); //Checks for the length and validity of SIM ID
void check_name(char *,int);    //Checks for the length and validity of NAME
void check_add(char *,int);     //Checks for the length and validity of ADDRESS
void check_phone(char *,int);   //Checks for the length and validity of PHONE NUMBER
void check_ct(int *);           //Checks for the CONNECTION TYPE
int duplicate(char idno[]); //Checks for the Duplication of the SIM ID


void empty();


struct customer
 char id[NUM];  /* ID of Length 5*/
 char name[MIN];  /* Name of Length 30*/
 char address[MAX];  /* Address of Length 61*/
 char phone[PH];  /* Phone Number of Length 12*/
 int  connection; /* Connection Type of length 2*/
 int  day;               /* It is used to display the day of length 2*/
 int  month;             /* It is used to display the month of length 2*/
 int  year;              /* it is used to display the year*/

/***************************MAIN FUNCTION STARTS*****************************/
 int c;

 int i;


 cprintf("<< BY-Manisha Vashishta    >>");

 for(i=10;i<=70;i++)  //This 'FOR' loop will print a combination of
 {                       //asteriks '*' and dash '-' horizontally till
  gotoxy(i,4);    //the 70th column is reached.
  gotoxy(71,4);    //the 70th column is reached.

 for(i=5;i<=15;i++)      //This 'FOR' loop will print asteriks '*'
 {                       //vertically till the 15th row is reached.

 for(i=6;i<=12;i++)      //This 'FOR' loop will print '|' sign
 {                       //vertically till the 12th row is reached.

 printf("[1] ENTER A RECORD");
 printf("[2] VIEW RECORDS");
 printf("[3] SEARCH RECORD");
 printf("[4] DELETE RECORD");
 printf("[5] CHANGE NAME");
 printf("[6] CHANGE ADDRESS");
 printf("[8] CHANGE PHONE NUMBER");
 printf("[9] EXIT");

 c = (getche());

  switch (c)      //This 'SWITCH' structure will ask the user for input from [1] to [9] and will display error on Invalid Entry.
    case '1': add();    break;   //It will call the add() funtion to allow user to add and save record.
    case '2': view();   break;   //It will call the view() funtion to allow user to view the saved record.
    case '3': search(); break;   //It will call the search() funtion to allow user to search records.
    case '4': del();    break;   //It will call the delete() funtion to allow user to delete a saved record.
    case '5': c_name(); break;   //It will call the c_name() funtion to allow user to modify name of a saved record.
    case '6': c_add();  break;   //It will call the c_add() funtion to allow user to modify address of a saved record.
    case '7': c_ct();   break;   //It will call the c_ct() funtion to allow user to modify  connection type & date of a saved record.
    case '8': c_ph();   break;   //It will call the c_ph() funtion to allow user to modify phone number of a saved record.
    case '9': gotoxy(30,24);printf("<<<<--THANK YOU-->>>>");getch();exit(0);  //It will terminate the program.
    sound(500);delay(200);nosound();  //sound turns the PC speaker on at the specified frequency, nosound turns the PC speaker off.
    puts("<<--ENTER FROM 1-9 PLEASE-->>"); //This message will only print on INVALID ENTRY and Will ask again for input.

}while(c != '9');  //This 'WHILE' loop will continue till the Exit option [9] is entered.

 return 0;
/**************************END OF MAIN FUNCTION******************************/
void add()
 FILE *fp;
 char ch;
 char temp[NUM];




    printf("<<==--ADDING RECORD--==>>");
       printf("Enter [UNIQUE] SIM ID: ");
       check_id(temp, NUM);

    }while(duplicate(temp));    //This Condition Will keep on executng till a non duplicate ID is entered.

    strcpy(, temp);       //After verifying, ID in 'temp' will copy to ''

    printf("Enter NAME: ");
    check_name(,MIN);       //It will verify that no neumerical input is given & the name input should not exceed the length limit
    printf("Enter ADDRESS: ");
    check_add(rec.address,MAX);     //It will verify that only alpha neumeric input is entered & should not exceed the length limit
    printf("Enter PHONE Number: ");
    check_phone(, PH);     //It will verify phone number of a particular length
    printf("Enter CONNECTION TYPE: ");
    check_ct(&rec.connection);      //It will allow user to select between 'STAR' & 'JAZZ' only

       struct date d;

       printf("DATE OF PURCHASE: %d %d %d ",d.da_day,d.da_mon,d.da_year);   = d.da_day;
       rec.month = d.da_mon;
       rec.year  = d.da_year;


    fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp); //Record will be written to file.


    printf("DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE..[Y]/[N]: ");

  }while(ch =='Y'); //Repeat loop while user inputs 'Y'
  printf("Unable To Open File...");

| Function: view()                                                   |
|                                                                         |
| Purpose : To Display all the records in the file in a                   |
|           formatted output.                                             |
|                                                                         |
| Local Variables:                                                        |
|           |
| >FILE *fp: Decalres file pointer.                                       |

void view()
 FILE *fp;



  while( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp))
   if(strcmp(," ")!=0)

     printf("<<==--VIEWING RECORDS--==>>");
     printf(" SIM ID: %s",;
     printf(" NAME: %s",;
     printf(" ADDRESS: %s",rec.address);
     printf(" PHONE Number: %s",;
     printf(" CONNECTION TYPE: %s",rec.connection);
     printf(" DATE Of PURCHASE: %d-%d-%d",,rec.month,rec.year);


   if(strcmp(," ")==NULL)
    printf("<<==--THERE ARE NO RECORDS TO VIEW--==>>");
  printf("Unable To Open File...");
/*************************END OF VIEW FUNCTION*******************************/

void search()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");

     printf("<<==SEARCH SUCCESSFUL==>>");
     printf(" SIM ID: %s",;

     printf(" NAME: %s",;

     printf(" ADDRESS: %s",rec.address);

     printf(" PHONE Number: %s",;

     printf(" CONNECTION TYPE: %s",rec.connection);
     printf(" DATE Of PURCHASE: %d-%d-%d",,rec.month,rec.year);


/*************************END OF SEARCH FUNCTION*****************************/


void c_name()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");
     printf("<<<--==RECORD FOUND==-->>>");

     printf("OLD NAME: %s",;   // This will print the old name already stored.
     printf("ENTER NAME: ");            // This will allow the user to change the old name and input a new name.
     check_name(,MIN);          // The check will validate each character entered turn by turn.

     fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
       fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);  //The new name will be added to the record.

     printf("RECORD SAVED !!!");


/*************************END OF CHANGE NAME FUNCTION************************/

void c_add()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

   ch=strcmp(sno,;  // Here the result after comparing the values of the two strings by using the 'strcmp' function is assigned to 'ch'.
    if(ch!=0)       // This loop will execute if the SIM ID's dont compare.
     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");
    else            // If the ID's match, then this block will be executed.
     printf("<<<--==RECORD FOUND==-->>>");

     printf("OLD ADDRESS: %s",rec.address);
     printf("ENTER NEW ADDRESS: ");

     fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0); //fseek sets the file pointer associated with a stream to a new position.
       fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp); //fwrite appends a specified number of equal-sized data items to an output file.

     printf("RECORD SAVED !!!");


/*************************END OF CHANGE ADDRESS FUNCTION*********************/


void c_ct()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");
     printf("<<<--==RECORD FOUND==-->>>");

     printf("OLD DATE OF PURCHASE: %d %d %d",,rec.month,rec.year); //Old Date Of purchase is displayed.
      struct date d;

      printf("NEW DATE OF PURCHASE: %d %d %d ",d.da_day,d.da_mon,d.da_year); //New Date Of Purchase is stored. = d.da_day;
      rec.month = d.da_mon;
      rec.year= d.da_year;

     printf("OLD CONNECTION TYPE: %s",rec.connection); //Old Connection type is displayed
      printf("STAR");  //If option stored in record is '1' Then "STAR" will be displayed on screen.
      printf("JAZZ");  //If option stored in record is '2' Then "JAZZ" will be displayed on screen.
     printf("NEW CONNECTION TYPE: "); //New Connection Type is asked for Input.
     check_ct(&rec.connection);       //This check provides choices to the user to select b/w "STAR" or "JAZZ".

     fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
       fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

     printf("RECORD SAVED !!!");


/*******************END OF CHANGE CONNECTION TYPE FUNCTION*******************/


void c_ph()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");
     printf("<<<--==RECORD FOUND==-->>>");

     printf("OLD PHONE NUMBER: %s",; //Old phone number is displayed.
     printf("ENTER NEW PHONE NUMBER: ");       //New phone number is asked by the user.

     fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
       fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

     printf("RECORD SAVED !!!");


/*********************END OF CHANGE PHONE NUMBER FUNCTION********************/

void del()
 int ch;
 FILE *fp;
 char sno[NUM];


 printf("PLEASE ENTER SIM ID ==->>>> ");

  while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno, );

     printf("<<--RECORD NOT FOUND-->>");
    else     //Here the saved record is displayed.
     printf("<<==SEARCH SUCCESSFUL==>>");
     printf(" SIM ID: %s",;

     printf(" NAME: %s",;

     printf(" ADDRESS: %s",rec.address);

     printf(" PHONE Number: %s",;

     printf(" CONNECTION TYPE: %s",rec.connection);
     printf(" DATE Of PURCHASE: %d-%d-%d",,rec.month,rec.year);

     printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO DELETE RECORD.....");
     empty(); //this is a Function which will erase the record in memory & NOT physically.

     fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec), 0);
       fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

     printf("RECORD DELETED !!!");


/***************************END OF DELETE FUNCTION***************************/

void check_id(char *p, int size)
 int i=0;
 char ch;


  if( (ch>='0' && ch<='9') && (i<size-1) )
    *p=ch;         //The value is assigned to the pointer.
    p++;           //Pointer is incremented.
    i++;           //Length counter is incremented.
    printf("%c",ch); //Validated character is printed.
  else      //This block of commands controls backspace.
  if(ch==8 && i>0)
   i--;              //Length counter is decremented.
   p--;              //Pointer is decremented.

 }while(ch!=13 || i<size-1);       //this loop will continue till the total given length is reached or 'ENTER' is pressed.



void check_phone(char *ph, int size)
 int p=0;
 char s[20],ch;


  if( ((ch>='0' && ch<='9')||(ch=='-')) && (p<size-1) )


  if( (ch==8)&&(p>0) )

 }while(ch!=13 || p<size-1);



void check_name(char *p, int size)
 int j=0;
 char x[40],cj;



  if(((cj>='a' && cj<='z')||(cj>='A' && cj<='Z')||(cj==' ')) && (j<size-1))


  if(cj==8 && j>0)
   j--; p--;



void check_add(char *p, int size)
 int l=0;
 char a[50],ad;



  if(((ad>='a' && ad<='z')||(ad>='A' && ad<='Z')||(ad==' ')||(ad==',')||(ad=='.')||(ad>='0' && ad<='9')) && (l<size-1))


  if( (ad==8)&&(l>0) )
   l--; p--;


 a[l]='';   *p='';
void check_ct(int *p)
 int ab=1;
 char ch;
 int aa;




   ch = getch();

    ch = getch();







      }while(ch != 13);

 if (aa==1)

 if (aa==2)



void empty()
     strcpy(," ");
     strcpy(," ");
     strcpy(rec.address," ");
     strcpy(," ");

int duplicate(char idno[])
    FILE *fp;


    while(fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(, idno));

    if(strcmp(, idno)==0)
       return 1;
       return 0;

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²****************************| END OF PROJECT |*****************************²
²****************************|         |*****************************²

       /* Manisha Vashishta*/

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